Today was a fun filled day! After a delicious breakfast at Trigo de Oro, we started at a batey around 10 am, where we all did various tasks. I handed out deworming medications to the children in the batey and rewarded them with pencils for taking the dosages. Their smiles were heartwarming! After I finished handing out medications and pencils with Chris, we collected all the children and played soccer, baseball, and jump rope in the large field in the batey. The children loved playing soccer with us and their favorite part was “high-fiving” us when they scored a goal. In addition, they loved taking pictures with our cameras and throwing balls back and forth. We left the batey around 4 pm and traveled to the Good Samaritan Hospital for a tour. The hospital was filled with donated items and various groups had painted the walls with beautiful paintings and Haitian proverbs. After the hospital, we visited an orphanage nearby. The orphanage was incredible! As soon as we walked in, girls grabbed our hands and excitedly showed us their basketball court and picnic tables. The children were so happy we were there! One girl, Hannah, wrote me a letter and wrote her email address so that I could contact her once I returned to the states. Most of the other Moses Brown Students had a similar experience! We all loved the orphanage. Unfortunately, we had to leave the orphanage and then we all went out to dinner where we had the best hamburgers, cubanos and orange juice ever. Some people were brave enough to try the prune juice, but that wasn’t really my taste. After dinner we enjoyed Dominican ice cream- Helados Bon- and reflected on our favorite parts of the day.
My Spanish is improving so much, as well! This is an amazing experience.
-Jess Jordan
We are enjoying reading your posts each day. What a wonderful experience you are all having and how lucky those you are helping are to have all of you there this week. Keep up your good work! We look forward to seeing you when you return. Love, Ellen and Kirk Jordan