March 26, 2011

ADIOS AMIGOS - Sarah and Rachel

Currently Rachel and I (Sarah) are sitting in a little French cafe called Trigo de Oro for our last breakfast on this amazing trip.  All of us are gathered around two small tables awaiting the arrival of our chocolate croissants and cinimon buns which have been our favorites this trip.  As we sit together passing around cameras and remembering all the great times we've had so far I think about what we are going to do next.  The eleven of us just spent a week doing everything we could to help the people in the bateys, but I know we also were helping ourselves.  By the end of this week we have grown so close and we have learned so much together.  I've heard various people throughout this week talk about how happy they feel here, how the DR is helping them to relax and have fun, and other things like that.  I completely agree with them; I think that being here, in a place where everyone is so friendly and caring, leads us to look at our own lives in a little bit of a different way.  The problems we face are nothing at all compared to what these people go through, and yet we complain all the time while the people in the bateys didn't complain much at all about anything.  It was really eye opening for me and I'm so glad I got to help. 
      Last night, while a band sang and danced, the group and I (rachel) tripped over ourselves learning some Dominican dances from the translators, Dominique, and Ms. Baez. After laughing at our great talent for dancing, we all jumped into the pool together, one last time before we would leave. It was a night of "last times" for a few of us and though we were heart broken because we knew we couldn't go on this amazing trip again next year, while we sat around the dinner table and reflected upon our favorite moments, we realized it didn't have to be the end. Some pledged to come back this summer to help out at the hospital, while others promised to follow in Molly's foot steps and continue to help throughout their lives. As Kristy said, this experience doesn't end here. We will take everything we learned from eachother, Molly, Jake, Jesse, Kyle, Danny, Ms. Leahy, Ms.Baez, Kristy as well as Bladamir and the other translators and bring it home with us. The passion that they have inspired in us, whether it was for medicine, service, or just being the best you can be, will continue to profoundly affect our lives after we leave this wonderful place and hopefully we will be able to pass on this passion to others too. This has been the most amazing experience I have ever had, and I am so happy that I was able to help lead the group with Neil this year. The group and I appreciate this great opportunity that we have been given by Molly and I know that we will all use what we have learned for the better and continue to help in some way like Molly has.
Thank you everyone!

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