March 23, 2011


Hello everybody! Hola! Todo esta bien aqui!!

We've had some amazing, super fun days so far, but today has been one of the best. We woke up early at 6:15, ate another delicious breakfast (we love the yogurt), packed the bus, and headed out to another batey. When we arrived, we were greeted by many smiles, waves, and happy faces! I (Kayla) worked in the pharmacy today, which was crazy! There were so many perscriptions to fill and we had limited space to work in. Even though it was hectic, we worked through it. Yesterday, I worked taking blood pressure and the day before that I was a scribe for Molly, which was so interesting!
And I (Abby)got to scribe for Luis, a Dominican doctor. I have to admit, I wasn't too excited to scribe because I didn't think I had any interest in the medical field, but was so surprised at how interesting the consults were! On a side note, for only being here for a couple of days, I have grown so much as a Spanish speaker! I'm finally able to say more than "Entiendo nada!" to the kids, and it's just an amazing feeling.

(Its Kayla again) I am loving my time here! Everyone is so amazing and I am just so happy. We are having a great time helping everyone at the bateys as well as bonding as a group after our work at the bateys. Today we went to the beach after working at a batey in the morning. It was absolutely beautiful and we had an amazing time playing soccer, volleyball, swimming, and riding on the banana boat!!! I can't even begin to describe how amazing this experience has been for me. I have never felt so much joy, seeing how happy we are making these people, and knowing that we are making an impact on their lives. I also love speaking to the kids and adults and working on my Spanish! Looking forward to another great day tomorrow! Miss you all! xo

(Abby here) The beach was super!! My favorite part was the banana boat, it was lots of fun, everyone was screaming and trying to tip over the boat, just a great time. The sunset was beautiful, a firey red with a tint of hot pink surrounding by beautiful clouds (I hope you enjoyed my description). We took great pictures today, including one of all of us jumping in the air in front of the sunset. We're very creative! I'm having the experience of a lifetime, and knowing and witnessing how impacting our service is to these people is heartwarming. I can't stress enough how inspired I am from everything I've experience thus far. Looking forward to helping out more, meeting new people, and, of course, working on my Spanish!
Miss you all!! See you soon!


  1. Hey guys, it's Shyloe.
    Just wanted to drop by to show my support for all the work you guys are doing down there. This is my first March away from the D.R. in two years (I went on the trip in 2009 and was a leader in 2010), and it's awesome to read your blogs about the bateys and scribing and pharmacy and just everything. It brings back memories of my times there :) Remember to take it all in, and cherish every moment you have with the kids, the doctors, translators, even bus drivers! Don't get comfortable: work on your Spanish by talking to the quiet kids looking inside the buildings during down time, strike up conversations with anyone and everyone, and try and take in as much as you can. I don't want to sound old or anything, but having the opportunity to participate in this trip, expose yourself to these types of experiences, is something that I think is going to stay with us for a long, long time.

    Good luck everyone! I'm so proud of you all :)

    - Shyloe Jones '10

  2. kayla! i am so happy to hear that you are having such an amazing time. liv and i miss you so much :( delray is not the same without you. but i honestly am so jealous that you are doing all of these amazing things in the will have to share all of your favorite experiences when you get home :) i expect a phone call asap! i love you so much and hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly and you have so much to bring back <3 xoxoxoo

    -Katie J

  3. Hello to all you inspiring MB students!!!
    It's been such a treat to hear your stories and see the pictures of what you are experiencing.
    Keep up the good work....take it all in....and remember, your memories will last a lifetime!

    schreiber family
